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Rough Cut Privacy Policy


Privacy Policy

Last Updated: 09/10/2024



At Rough Cut, we are committed to protecting your privacy and ensuring the Security of your personal Information. This Privacy Policy outlines how we collect, use, and safeguard your data when interacting with our services. We are dedicated to transparency and clarity in our practices to help you understand how your Information is handled.

This policy explains the types of personal Information we may collect, how we use it, and the rights you have regarding your data. Our aim is to ensure that you feel confident in our commitment to safeguarding your privacy while providing you with excellent service.

By using our website and services, you consent to the practices described in this Privacy Policy. We encourage you to review this policy periodically to stay informed about any changes and how they may affect you.



  • Personal Information: Information that identifies or can be used to identify an individual, such as name, contact details, and other data.

  • Data Subject: An individual whose personal Information is collected, processed, or stored.

  • Processing: Any operation or activity performed on personal Information, including collection, use, and storage.

  • Controller: The entity or individual that determines the purposes and means of processing personal Information.

  • Processor: The entity or individual that processes personal Information on behalf of the controller.

  • Cookies: Small files placed on a user's device by a website to store Information about the user's activity and preferences.

  • Anonymization: The process of removing personal identifiers from data to prevent individuals from being identified.

  • Pseudonymization: Replacing personal identifiers with pseudonyms to protect individual identities.

  • Data Portability: The right to obtain personal data in a structured, commonly used format and transfer it to another organization.

  • Data Minimization: The practice of collecting only the personal Information that is necessary for the intended purpose.

  • Erasure: The removal of personal Information from records, ensuring it is no longer accessible.

  • Restriction of Processing: Limiting the use of personal Information in certain circumstances, such as when accuracy is contested.

  • Consent: Permission given by an individual to process their personal Information based on explicit and informed choices.


Information We Collect

We collect various types of Information to provide you with our services and improve your experience. This includes Information you provide directly to us and Information we collect automatically when you use our website.

  1. Information You Provide Directly

When you engage with our services, you may provide us with personal Information, including your name, email address, phone number, and home address. This Information is typically collected when you fill out forms on our website, request a quote, or communicate with us via email or phone.

  1. Information We Collect Automatically

We may also collect Information about your interaction with our website, including your IP address, browser type, and operating system. This Information helps us understand how our website is used and improve your experience.


Personal Information

Personal Information refers to any information that can be used to identify you personally. At Rough Cut, we collect and process the following types of personal Information:

  • Contact Information: Your name, email address, phone number, and home address.

  • Service Information: Details about the services you have requested or inquired about.

  • Payment Information: If applicable, we may collect payment details to process transactions.

  • Communication Records: Any communications you have with us, including emails, phone calls, and messages.


How We Collect Information

At Rough Cut, we collect Information through various channels to ensure we provide the best possible service to our clients. The methods by which we collect Information include:

  1. Direct Collection

We collect Information directly from you when you:

  • Fill Out Forms: When you fill out forms on our website, such as contact forms, service request forms, or quote request forms, you provide us with personal details like your name, email address, phone number, and address.

  • Communicate with Us: Whether by email, phone, or in person, any communication you have with us may result in the collection of your personal Information. This includes inquiries about our services, customer support requests, and any other interactions.

  • Service Engagement: When you hire us for a project or service, we collect the necessary Information to fulfil the service, including details about your home, project specifications, and payment information.

  1. Automatic Collection

We also collect certain Information automatically when you visit our website:

  • Cookies and Tracking Technologies: Our website uses cookies and other tracking technologies to collect Information about your browsing behaviour, preferences, and device. This includes data such as your IP address, browser type, operating system, and the pages you visit.

  • Analytics Tools: We use web analytics tools to monitor and analyze how visitors use our website. This Information helps us improve our website's functionality and user experience.

c. Third-Party Sources

We may obtain Information about you from third-party sources, such as social media platforms or other online services, if you interact with us through these channels. This Information is used in accordance with the privacy policies of those platforms.

6. Use of Personal Information

The personal Information we collect is used for various purposes to provide, improve, and promote our services. Specifically, we use your personal Information for the following:

a. Providing Services

  • Service Fulfillment: Your personal Information is essential for us to provide the services you request, including home repairs, deck projects, and remodelling services.

  • Communication: We use your contact information to communicate with you regarding service requests, project updates, and any other necessary correspondence.

  • Scheduling: Your Information allows us to coordinate appointments, schedule service visits, and manage project timelines effectively.

b. Customer Support

  • Responding to Inquiries: We use your Information to respond to your inquiries, provide customer support, and address any issues or concerns you may have.

  • Follow-Up: After completing a service, we may follow up with you to ensure your satisfaction and gather feedback.

c. Marketing and Promotions

  • Newsletters and Updates: With your Consent, we may send you newsletters, promotional offers, and updates about our services. You can opt out of these communications at any time.

  • Targeted Advertising: We may use your Information to deliver personalized advertisements and promotions based on your interests and previous interactions with our services.

d. Improving Our Services

  • Website Improvement: Information collected through cookies and analytics tools helps us understand how our website is used and allows us to make improvements to enhance your experience.

  • Service Development: Your feedback and usage patterns contribute to the development of new services and the enhancement of existing ones.

e. Legal Compliance

  • Compliance with Laws: We may use your personal Information to comply with legal obligations, including responding to legal requests, enforcing our terms of service, and protecting our rights.


Legal Basis for Processing

We process your personal Information based on several legal grounds, depending on the nature of the processing and the specific circumstances:

a. Consent

In many cases, we process your personal Information based on your Consent. This includes situations where you have voluntarily provided your Information, such as when signing up for newsletters, filling out contact forms, or agreeing to receive marketing communications. You have the right to withdraw your Consent at any time by contacting us or using the opt-out options provided.

b. Performance of a Contract

When you engage Rough Cut for services, we process your personal Information as necessary to perform our contractual obligations. This includes using your Information to provide the services you have requested, communicate with you about your project, and manage any related transactions.

c. Legitimate Interests

We may process your personal Information based on our legitimate interests, which include providing and improving our services, enhancing customer satisfaction, and ensuring the Security of our website and operations. When processing based on legitimate interests, we ensure that your privacy rights are not overridden by our interests.

d. Legal Obligations

We may be required to process your personal Information to comply with legal obligations, such as regulatory requirements, court orders, or government requests. This includes using your Information to ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

e. Protection of Vital Interests

In rare cases, we may process your personal Information to protect your vital interests or the vital interests of others, such as in emergency situations where your safety is at risk.

8. Disclosure of Information

At Rough Cut, we respect your privacy and are committed to protecting your personal Information. We disclose your personal Information only under the following circumstances:

a. Service Provision

We may share your Information with our employees, contractors, and subcontractors who need access to this Information to perform services on your behalf. This includes sharing Information necessary to carry out home improvement projects, repairs, or any other services you have requested.

b. Third-Party Service Providers

We work with third-party service providers to support our operations and deliver services to you. These providers may have access to your personal Information as needed to perform their functions, such as payment processing, hosting services, and customer support.

c. Legal Requirements

We may disclose your personal Information to comply with legal obligations, such as responding to a subpoena, court order, or other legal processes. We may also disclose your Information to enforce our rights, protect our property, ensure the safety of our employees and clients, or as otherwise required by law.

d. Business Transfers

In the event of a merger, acquisition, or sale of all or part of our business, your personal Information may be transferred to the new owner or successor. We will notify you of any such transfer and any changes to this Privacy Policy as a result.

e. Consent

We may disclose your personal Information to third parties when you have given us explicit Consent to do so. This includes situations where you have agreed to share your Information with partners or other service providers.


Third-Party Service Providers

To provide, improve, and secure our services, we engage with various third-party service providers. These providers may perform essential functions on our behalf, and we ensure that your personal Information is protected when shared with them.

a. Types of Third-Party Providers

  • Payment Processors: We use trusted third-party payment processors to handle your transactions securely. These processors are responsible for ensuring that your payment information is protected and used only for the purpose of processing payments.

  • Web Hosting Services: Our website is hosted by third-party providers who ensure that it remains accessible and secure. These providers may have access to technical data related to your use of our website.

  • Marketing and Analytics Services: We may work with third-party marketing and analytics companies to understand how our website is used and to deliver targeted advertising. These providers may use cookies and similar technologies to collect Information about your browsing behavior.

b. Data Sharing and Protection

When we share your personal Information with third-party service providers, we do so under strict contractual obligations to ensure that your data is protected. These providers are required to use your Information solely for the purpose of providing the contracted services and must adhere to applicable data protection laws.

c. No Unauthorized Sharing

We do not sell, rent, or share your personal Information with third parties for their own marketing purposes without your explicit Consent. Any information shared with third parties is done so to fulfill specific purposes outlined in this Privacy Policy.

10. Data Security

At Rough Cut, the Security of your personal Information is of utmost importance. We implement a variety of technical, administrative, and physical safeguards to protect your data from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure.

a. Technical Safeguards

  • Encryption: We use industry-standard encryption technologies to protect your personal Information during transmission and storage. This includes encrypting sensitive data, such as payment information, to prevent unauthorized access.

  • Secure Servers: Our servers are protected by firewalls and other security measures to ensure that your Information is stored securely. Access to these servers is restricted to authorized personnel only.

b. Administrative Safeguards

  • Access Control: We limit access to your personal Information to employees and contractors who need it to perform their job duties. Access is granted on a need-to-know basis, and all personnel are required to adhere to our data protection policies.

  • Training and Awareness: We provide regular training to our employees on data protection best practices and the importance of safeguarding personal Information.

c. Physical Safeguards

  • Secure Facilities: Our physical premises are secured with access controls to prevent unauthorized entry. We also store physical documents containing personal Information in locked and secure locations.

  • Data Disposal: When personal Information is no longer needed, we ensure that it is disposed of securely. This includes shredding physical documents and permanently deleting electronic data.

d. Monitoring and Response

  • Regular Audits: We conduct regular security audits to assess the effectiveness of our data protection measures and identify potential vulnerabilities.

  • Incident Response: In the event of a data breach or security incident, we have a response plan in place to quickly address the issue, mitigate any potential harm, and notify affected individuals as required by law.

e. User Responsibilities

While we take extensive measures to protect your data, you also play a role in ensuring its Security. We encourage you to use strong passwords, avoid sharing your login credentials, and be cautious when providing personal Information online.


Dispute Resolution

In the event of a dispute arising out of or relating to this Privacy Policy or your use of our website, the parties agree to first attempt to resolve the dispute through good faith negotiations. If the dispute cannot be resolved through negotiations, it shall be settled through binding arbitration conducted in accordance with the rules of the American Arbitration Association (AAA). The arbitration shall take place in Birmingham, Alabama, and the decision of the arbitrator shall be final and binding.


Your Rights

As a user of Rough Cut's services and website, you have several rights regarding your personal Information. We are committed to ensuring that you can exercise these rights with ease and that your data is handled in accordance with applicable laws.

a. Right to Access

You have the right to request access to the personal Information we hold about you. This allows you to understand what data we have collected, how it is being used, and who it has been shared with.

b. Right to Rectification

If any of the personal Information we hold about you is inaccurate or incomplete, you have the right to request that it be corrected or updated.

c. Right to Erasure

Also known as the "right to be forgotten," you have the right to request that your personal Information be deleted when it is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected, or if you withdraw your Consent (where applicable).

d. Right to Restrict Processing

You can request that we limit the processing of your personal Information in certain circumstances, such as if you contest the accuracy of the data or if you object to the processing.

e. Right to Data Portability

You have the right to obtain a copy of your personal Information in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format, and to request that this data be transferred to another service provider where technically feasible.

f. Right to Object

You can object to the processing of your personal Information for direct marketing purposes or when processing is based on our legitimate interests. We will comply with your request unless we have compelling legitimate grounds for the processing that override your rights.

g. Right to Withdraw Consent

Where processing is based on your Consent, you have the right to withdraw that Consent at any time. This will not affect the lawfulness of processing based on Consent before its withdrawal.

h. Right to Lodge a Complaint

If you believe that we have not complied with your data protection rights, you have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority, such as a data protection regulator.


Accessing Your Information

You have the right to access the personal Information we hold about you. This process, known as a "data subject access request," allows you to request and receive a copy of your data, along with Information about how we process it.

a. How to Request Access

To access your personal Information, you can contact us via email at or by mail at our office address: 1430 Gadsden Hwy Ste 116-889, Birmingham, AL 35235. Please include specific details about the Information you wish to access to help us process your request efficiently.

b. Response Time

We aim to respond to all data access requests within one month of receiving them. If your request is particularly complex or if you have made multiple requests, we may extend this period by an additional two months. We will inform you if an extension is necessary.

c. Verification of Identity

To protect your privacy, we may ask you to verify your identity before providing access to your personal Information. This helps us ensure that your data is not disclosed to unauthorized individuals.

d. Format of Access

We will provide the requested Information in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format, unless you request a different format.

e. Fees

In most cases, we will provide access to your Information free of charge. However, if your request is unfounded, repetitive, or excessive, we may charge a reasonable fee or refuse to comply with the request.


Correcting Your Information

We strive to ensure that the personal Information we hold is accurate and up-to-date. If you believe that any of your Information is incorrect or incomplete, you have the right to request that it be corrected.

a. How to Request Corrections

To request corrections to your personal Information, please contact us at with details of the Information that needs to be updated. You can also request corrections by phone at 205-738-0054 or by mail at our office address.

b. Verification of Changes

We may ask you to provide evidence or further Information to verify the changes you are requesting, especially if the correction involves significant alterations to your data.

c. Response Time

We will make the necessary corrections to your Information as soon as possible, typically within one month of receiving your request. If your request is complex, we may take longer, but we will inform you of the progress.

d. Notification of Changes

Once your Information has been corrected, we will notify you and provide confirmation of the changes. If we have shared your Information with third parties, we will also notify them of the corrections, unless this proves impossible or involves disproportionate effort.


Deleting Your Information

At Rough Cut, we recognize your right to request the deletion of your personal Information when it is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected or if you withdraw your Consent to its use. This process is often referred to as the "right to be forgotten."

a. How to Request Deletion

If you wish to have your personal Information deleted, you can submit a request via email at or by contacting us at 205-738-0054. Please specify the Information you wish to have deleted and the reasons for your request.

b. Conditions for Deletion

We will delete your personal Information if:

  • It is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected.

  • You withdraw your Consent, and there is no other legal basis for processing the Information.

  • You object to the processing, and there are no overriding legitimate grounds for continuing the processing.

  • The Information was unlawfully processed.

  • The Information must be deleted to comply with a legal obligation.

c. Exceptions to Deletion

There are certain circumstances where we may not be able to comply with your request to delete your Information. These include situations where the Information is necessary:

  • To comply with a legal obligation.

  • For the establishment, exercise, or defense of legal claims.

  • To perform a contract between you and Rough Cut.

d. Response Time

We aim to respond to your deletion request within one month. If the request is complex, we may extend this period by an additional two months, and we will inform you of any delay.

e. Notification of Deletion

Once your personal Information has been deleted, we will notify you and provide confirmation. If we have shared your Information with third parties, we will notify them of the deletion unless this proves impossible or involves disproportionate effort.


Restricting Use of Your Information

You have the right to request that we restrict the processing of your personal Information in certain circumstances. When processing is restricted, we will continue to store your Information but will not use it for any other purposes unless you give your Consent or it is necessary for legal reasons.

a. When You Can Request Restriction

You can request that we restrict the use of your Information if:

  • You contest the accuracy of your personal Information. We will restrict processing until we have verified the accuracy of the Information.

  • The processing is unlawful, but you do not want the Information deleted.

  • We no longer need the Information for processing purposes, but you need it to establish, exercise, or defend legal claims.

  • You have objected to the processing, and we are considering whether our legitimate grounds override your rights.

b. How to Request Restriction

To request a restriction of processing, please contact us at or by phone at 205-738-0054. Provide details about the processing activities you wish to restrict and the reasons for your request.

c. Effect of Restriction

When processing is restricted, we will:

  • Store the Information but not process it for any other purposes without your Consent, unless required by law.

  • Inform you before lifting the restriction if the processing is to resume.

d. Notification of Restriction

We will inform you when your request for restriction has been implemented. If the Information has been shared with third parties, we will notify them of the restriction unless this proves impossible or involves disproportionate effort.

Cookies and Tracking Technologies

Rough Cut uses cookies and other tracking technologies to enhance your experience on our website, analyze site traffic, and understand how visitors use our site. These technologies help us improve our services and deliver personalized content.

a. What Are Cookies?

Cookies are small text files that are stored on your device when you visit a website. They are used to remember your preferences, track your activity, and improve your browsing experience. Cookies can be "session cookies" (which expire when you close your browser) or "persistent cookies" (which remain on your device until deleted).

b. Types of Cookies We Use

  • Essential Cookies: These cookies are necessary for the operation of our website. They enable you to navigate the site and use its features, such as accessing secure areas.

  • Performance and Analytics Cookies: These cookies collect Information about how you use our website, such as which pages you visit most often. This data helps us improve the site's performance and your overall experience.

  • Functionality Cookies: These cookies allow our website to remember choices you make, such as your language preference or the region you are in, providing enhanced and personalized features.

  • Targeting and Advertising Cookies: These cookies track your browsing habits to deliver advertisements that are more relevant to you. They may also limit the number of times you see an ad and help measure the effectiveness of advertising campaigns.

c. Managing Cookies

You have the option to accept or decline cookies through your browser settings. Most browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can usually modify your settings to decline cookies if you prefer. However, please note that disabling cookies may affect the functionality of our website and limit your access to certain features.

d. Third-Party Tracking Technologies

We may also use third-party tracking technologies, such as Google Analytics, to collect Information about your interactions with our website. These third parties may use cookies and similar technologies to collect data about your browsing behavior, which they may use in accordance with their privacy policies.

e. Your Choices

You can manage your cookie preferences by adjusting your browser settings or using tools provided by the website to opt out of specific types of cookies. You can also learn more about managing cookies and tracking technologies by visiting websites like www.allaboutcookies.orgor

f. Updates to Cookie Policy

We may update our use of cookies and tracking technologies from time to time. Any changes will be reflected in this section of our Privacy Policy, and we encourage you to review it periodically.


Governing Law

This Privacy Policy and any disputes related to it or your use of our website are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Alabama, without regard to its conflict of law principles.


How We Use Cookies

Cookies are an essential part of how we provide our services on the Rough Cut website. They help us to understand your preferences, improve your user experience, and enhance the overall functionality of our website. Below is a detailed explanation of how we use cookies:

a. Improving Website Functionality

We use cookies to ensure that our website functions smoothly and efficiently. This includes enabling essential features like page navigation, secure login, and access to restricted areas. Without these cookies, certain parts of our website may not work properly.

  • Examples: We use session cookies to keep you logged in as you navigate between pages on our site.

b. Personalizing Your Experience

Cookies help us personalize your experience by remembering your preferences and settings. This allows us to tailor content specifically to your interests and make your interactions with our site more enjoyable.

  • Examples: If you select a preferred language, functionality cookies will remember this choice so that the website displays in your chosen language on future visits.

c. Analyzing Website Traffic

Performance and analytics cookies are used to gather data on how visitors use our website. This includes Information on which pages are most popular, how visitors move around the site, and any errors encountered. This data helps us optimize our website's performance and improve our content and services.

  • Examples: We use Google Analytics to track how users interact with our website, such as the time spent on each page and the flow of navigation.

d. Providing Relevant Advertising

Targeting and advertising cookies allow us to show you advertisements that are relevant to your interests. These cookies track your browsing habits across our site and other websites to deliver ads that are tailored to your preferences. They also help us measure the effectiveness of our ad campaigns.

  • Examples: If you browse our site for home renovation services, targeting cookies may display ads related to those services on other websites you visit.

e. Enhancing Social Media Interaction

Social media cookies enable you to interact with social media platforms directly from our website, such as sharing content or logging in through your social media account. These cookies may also be used by social media companies to track your activity on our site and across the web.

  • Examples: If you click a "like" button on our site that links to Facebook, a social media cookie will record this interaction.

f. Monitoring and Improving Security

We use cookies to enhance the Security of our website by monitoring for and preventing fraudulent activities. Cookies help us recognize patterns that might indicate a security threat and allow us to take appropriate action to protect our users.

  • Examples: We use security cookies to detect and prevent fraudulent login attempts.

g. Managing Cookies Preferences

We provide options for you to manage your cookie preferences, either through our cookie consent banner or your browser settings. You can choose to accept or reject specific types of cookies, although disabling some cookies may affect the functionality of our website.

  • Examples: You can opt out of Google Analytics tracking by installing a browser add-on or manage your overall cookie preferences through the settings menu of your web browser.

Managing Cookies

At Rough Cut, we respect your privacy and provide you with options to manage your cookie preferences. You can choose to accept, decline, or customize your cookie settings to control how cookies are used on our website.

a. Cookie Consent Banner

When you first visit our website, you will see a cookie consent banner that provides Information about our use of cookies. You can choose to accept all cookies, decline non-essential cookies, or customize your preferences by selecting specific types of cookies.

b. Browser Settings

You can manage your cookie settings directly through your web browser. Most browsers allow you to view, delete, and block cookies. You can configure your browser to notify you when a cookie is being placed on your device, or to automatically block cookies.

  • Examples: Instructions for managing cookies can typically be found in the "Help" section of your browser. Common options include clearing existing cookies, blocking new cookies, or setting exceptions for certain websites.

c. Third-Party Tools

There are also third-party tools available that allow you to manage and opt out of cookies across multiple websites. These tools provide a centralized way to control cookies and tracking technologies.

  • Examples: Tools like Ghostery or Privacy Badger can help you manage and block cookies from specific sources.

d. Impact of Disabling Cookies

Please note that disabling cookies may affect the functionality of our website. Some features, such as secure logins or personalized content, may not work properly if cookies are blocked.


Children's Privacy

Rough Cut is committed to protecting the privacy of children. Our services and website are not directed to individuals under the age of 18, and we do not knowingly collect personal Information from children.


We do not intentionally collect or solicit personal Information from anyone under the age of 18. If you are under 18, please do not use our website, provide any information about yourself, or make any purchases.


If we learn that we have inadvertently collected personal Information from a child under 18 without verified parental Consent, we will promptly delete that Information from our records.

And If you believe that a child under 18 has provided us with personal Information, please contact us at so that we can take appropriate action to delete the Information.


Marketing Communications

Rough Cut may use your personal Information to send you marketing communications that we believe may be of interest to you. These communications may include Information about our services, special offers, or other relevant updates.

a. Opt-In and Opt-Out

You will only receive marketing communications from us if you have opted in to receive them. You have the right to opt out of receiving these communications at any time by following the unsubscribe link included in each email or by contacting us directly.

b. Types of Communications

Our marketing communications may include newsletters, promotional offers, and Information about new services or events. We may also send you personalized content based on your preferences and past interactions with our website.

c. Third-Party Marketing

We do not share your personal Information with third parties for their own marketing purposes unless you have given your explicit Consent.

d. Frequency of Communications

We aim to keep our marketing communications relevant and timely. You will not receive more messages than necessary, and we will respect your communication preferences.


Email Communications

In addition to marketing communications, Rough Cut may send you transactional or informational emails related to our services. These communications are necessary for the performance of our contract with you or to provide important updates about your account or service.

Transactional emails include order confirmations, service updates, billing information, and other communications related to the management of your account or services you have requested.

 “Informational emails may include updates about our policies, changes to our services, or other important notices that affect your use of our website or services.”

You can manage your email preferences by following the instructions included in each email or by contacting us at While you can opt out of marketing emails, you may still receive transactional or informational emails that are necessary for us to provide our services.


 Third-Party Links

Our website may contain links to third-party websites or services that are not operated by Rough Cut. These links are provided for your convenience, but please be aware that we are not responsible for the privacy practices or content of those third-party sites.

a. No Control Over Third-Party Sites

We have no control over the privacy policies, practices, or content of third-party websites. When you click on a third-party link, you will be directed to that third party's site. We encourage you to review the privacy policies of any third-party website you visit.

b. No Endorsement

The inclusion of a link to a third-party site does not imply endorsement or approval of the linked website or its products, services, or practices.

c. Third-Party Data Collection

Third-party websites may use cookies or other tracking technologies to collect Information about your browsing behavior. We are not responsible for the data collection practices of these third-party sites.


International Data Transfers

Rough Cut may transfer, process, and store your personal Information in countries outside of your country of residence, including the United States. These countries may have different data protection laws than your home country.

When transferring your personal Information internationally, we take appropriate measures to ensure that your data is protected in accordance with applicable laws. This includes implementing standard contractual clauses or relying on other legally recognized transfer mechanisms.

If we transfer your personal Information to third-party service providers located in other countries, we will ensure that they provide an adequate level of protection for your data and comply with our data protection standards.

You have the right to be informed about the international transfer of your data and to request more Information about the safeguards we have in place. If you have any concerns about international data transfers, please contact us at


Data Breach Procedures

Rough Cut takes the Security of your personal Information seriously and has implemented procedures to detect, respond to, and mitigate the effects of any data breach.

a. Detection of Breaches

We use a variety of security measures, including monitoring and encryption, to detect unauthorized access to our systems. In the event of a data breach, our first priority is to contain the breach and prevent further unauthorized access.

b. Notification of Affected Individuals

If a data breach occurs that poses a risk to your rights and freedoms, we will notify you as soon as possible. This notification will include Information about the nature of the breach, the data affected, and the steps we are taking to mitigate the impact.

c. Regulatory Reporting

In the event of a data breach, we may be required to report the incident to relevant regulatory authorities within a specified time frame. We will comply with all legal obligations to report breaches.

d. Mitigation and Remediation

After a data breach, we will take steps to mitigate the impact on affected individuals and to prevent future breaches. This may include implementing additional security measures, reviewing our policies, and providing guidance to affected individuals on how to protect themselves.


Changes to This Privacy Policy

Rough Cut reserves the right to update or modify this Privacy Policy at any time to reflect changes in our practices, legal requirements, or other factors.

Notice of Changes

When we make significant changes to this Privacy Policy, we will notify you by posting the updated policy on our website and updating the "Last Updated" date at the top of this page. In some cases, we may also provide additional notice, such as sending an email notification.

Effective Date

The updated Privacy Policy will take effect as soon as it is posted on our website, unless otherwise specified. Your continued use of our website and services after the changes take effect constitutes your acceptance of the updated policy.

Reviewing the Policy

We encourage you to review this Privacy Policy periodically to stay informed about how we are protecting your personal Information. If you do not agree with any changes to the policy, you should stop using our website and services and contact us to request the deletion of your Information.


Notification of Changes

When we update our Privacy Policy or make significant changes to our data practices, we will notify you in a manner that ensures you are informed of the changes.

a. Methods of Notification

We may notify you of changes to our Privacy Policy through various methods, including:

  • Email: We may send you an email with details about the changes.

  • Website Notification: We may post a prominent notice on our website's homepage.

  • Account Notification: We may provide a notification through your account or user dashboard, if applicable.

b. Timing of Notification

We will provide notice of changes to the Privacy Policy before they take effect, allowing you time to review the updated policy and make any necessary decisions regarding your personal Information.

c. Your Responsibilities

It is your responsibility to review the updated Privacy Policy and to contact us if you have any questions or concerns about the changes. If you continue to use our website or services after the changes take effect, you will be deemed to have accepted the updated policy.

29. Complaints

If you have any concerns about how we handle your personal Information, you have the right to file a complaint with us or with a relevant data protection authority. We take all complaints seriously and will work with you to resolve any issues in a fair and timely manner.

30. Contact Us

If you have any questions, concerns, or requests regarding this Privacy Policy or the handling of your personal Information, please contact us using the following Information:

  • Email:

  • Phone: 205-738-0054

  • Address: 1430 Gadsden Hwy Ste 116-889, Birmingham, AL 35235

We strive to respond to all inquiries in a timely and efficient manner.


California Residents' Rights

Under the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), California residents have certain rights regarding their personal Information. These rights are designed to give you more control over how your data is collected, used, and shared.

a. Right to Know

You have the right to request Information about the personal Information we collect, use, disclose, and sell about you. This includes details about:

The categories of personal Information collected.

The purposes for which the Information is used.

The categories of third parties with whom the Information is shared.

b. Right to Access

You may request access to the specific pieces of personal Information we have collected about you in the past 12 months. This request allows you to understand what Information we hold and how it is being used.

c. Right to Delete

You have the right to request the deletion of your personal Information that we have collected. Certain exceptions may apply, such as when the Information is necessary for us to complete a transaction, detect security incidents, or comply with legal obligations.

d. Right to Opt-Out

You can opt out of the sale of your personal Information. While Rough Cut does not sell personal Information, this right allows you to ensure that your Information is not used for marketing purposes without your Consent.

e. Right to Non-Discrimination

You have the right to be free from discrimination for exercising your rights under the CCPA. We will not deny you services, charge you different prices, or provide a different level of service because you have exercised your rights.

f. Exercising Your Rights

To exercise any of these rights, please contact us at We will verify your request and respond within the time frames required by law.


European Union Residents' Rights

Under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), residents of the European Union (EU) have specific rights regarding their personal data. These rights are designed to protect your privacy and give you more control over your Information.

a. Right to Access

You have the right to access your personal data and obtain a copy of the Information we hold about you. This right allows you to understand how and why your data is being used.

b. Right to Rectification

You have the right to request that we correct or update inaccurate or incomplete personal data. This ensures that the Information we hold about you is accurate and up-to-date.

c. Right to Erasure

You can request the deletion of your personal data under certain conditions, such as when the data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected or if you withdraw your Consent.

d. Right to Restrict Processing

You have the right to request the restriction of processing your personal data in specific situations, such as when you contest the accuracy of the data or object to the processing.

e. Right to Data Portability

You have the right to receive your personal data in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format, and to transfer it to another data controller if technically feasible.

f. Right to Object

You can object to the processing of your personal data based on legitimate interests or for direct marketing purposes. We will cease processing your data unless we have compelling, legitimate grounds to continue.

g. Exercising Your Rights

To exercise your rights under the GDPR, please contact us at We will respond to your request in accordance with GDPR requirements and within the specified time frame.


Company Information

Company Name: Rough Cut



Phone: 205-738-0054

Address: 1430 Gadsden Hwy Ste 116-889, Birmingham, AL 35235

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